Sunday, December 16, 2007


I am sorting through a few things and so I will wonder "out loud" on my blog.

How do you heal a broken relationship with someone you've never been close to and probably never will be close to because you are so different?
How do you, or should you, defend yourself when wrongly accused?
When I missed the rules, how do I keep a good witness?
When an apology is met with more hurtful words, how far should I go? Or do I let it go knowing that the next step is theirs?
How can you change your place in a group dynamic that is over 30 years old?
How do you let someone you love know that their behavior is sinful, or destructive, or hurtful, or mean?
How do you let someone over you know their behavior is hurtful, destructive or mean?
How do you make someone understand that you really do care about them and want better for their life without it sounding judgemental?
How do you learn to care more about someone who cares less?
Do you apologize for something you never did even if people think you did?

God is the answer to a lot of these questions. I wish his answers were more clear though. I wish life were a little more fair. I wish truth was aways provable, not he said, she said. I pray God helps me be the bigger person no matter what the hurt is, after all, I hurt his son and he still loves me without condition.