Friday, September 28, 2007

Devotional thoughts

It has been a crazy week with several of us out of sorts with different ailments and injuries. I missed a few days of work and although it was nice to be off, I would have rather not be sick. In my devotional time yesterday morning, I was reading and praying about abiding in Christ. It is hard to know sometimes what that looks like on a minute by minute basis. One of my favorite verses is from Isaiah and talks about how God will keep us in perfect peace if our mind is steadfast. How do I keep my mind steadfast on Christ? Further more, if the joy of the Lord is my strength, what exactly is the joy of the Lord?

Well, I pondered some of these things yesterday and this is some of what I came up with. For me, the joy of the Lord is the work he has done in my life to save me from myself. Why can't I remember the great sacrifice he made? When I dwell on this for even a few minutes it gives me great joy, joy I wish I was better at carrying through my day. It's that joy that will unable me to be a witness to others. This world and it's trouble are really so fleeting, so unimportant compared with the saving grace of Christ and the eternity I will spend with him.

As for keeping my mind steadfast, I really just need to remember to pray without ceasing. I try to pick a verse or phrase from the Bible to keep in my mind all day. Yesterday, it was about the joy of the Lord. A life of constant abiding is my goal. It's a goal I probably won't obtain this side of heaven, but one worth reaching for. When my thoughts and heart are so filled with Christ, there will be no room for worry, despair, complaining or frustration.