Wednesday, September 5, 2007

More about me

I am many things. I'm sitting here wondering where to start. Most importantly I am a child of God. My life hinges on this one thing. Without God I would be complete lost and, I am convinced, in a mental hospital. The hope I have from Christ grounds me as nothing else could.

I am a wife. I'm sure I will write more on that in the future. Being a wife is harder than I thought in some ways, and yet easier than other things I am or do. I have a wonderful husband which helps. He is kind, generous, patient to the end degree, helpful and handsome. He is not perfect but the one thing that makes our marriage great is this; he is committed to doing whatever it takes to be a better husband and father. He will never say that he doesn't need to change. He always listens to my frustrations and tries to adjust accordingly. He pushes me to be a better wife. I need to be all I can be for him, willing to adapt and be molded by God for this calling.

Motherhood...I am tired as are all mothers. My children are amazing and at the same time completely exasperating. I'm sure most mothers feel this way. Everyday my kids develop into more of their own little selves. Their skills and thoughts amaze me. The most amazing thing to me is how much I fail them and yet how much they love me.

I am a registered critical care nurse. I have always wanted to be one and can't imagine being anything else. I am passionate about saving lives. Of all the things that compose me, this is perhaps the one that I think of most often to describe me the best. When someone asks about me, I say this first. I am proud of what I do. Work is emotionally draining though. I work full time as we have decided to let my husband be home most times with the children. It just works out best for us that way. I never thought I would be working full time at this point in my life. Funny how God takes us down his own roads. Many people we know have a hard time with this, why my husband isn't the bread winner. The strange thing is, neither of us have a problem with it. I can't say we planned it but I know in my heart that God did. He knows my skills and gifts, even when I don't. He knows that this is the time for me to work. I have come to rest in that and want to stop being pushed by others to have him work all the time and me stay home. I know we would both be miserable. I can't explain all the whys, it just is.

Well, I've said a lot and nothing all at the same time. I love how writing clears the mind, this might be good for me after all.