Friday, September 21, 2007

Time is ticking

In church this past Sunday, our ministered talked about time. He had two main points. The first is that we have forever. Life goes on beyond today and way beyond death. Our perspective needs to reflect that. There is so much more than this life on earth which is literally a blink of an eye.

The second point was this, no matter that we have all eternity, God called us for now. Now is the time to call upon the Lord. Now is the time for me to be obedient. This really struck me. I put off working on bad habits because I don't like to work that hard. In the Bible a young man told Jesus he would follow him where ever he went but then asked to go home and bury his father first. Jesus told him to follow right away and let dead bury their own. There is an urgency throughout the New Testament to follow God with our whole heart and to do it now. What am I holding onto that is keeping me from following God completely? What am I trying to drag into eternity? Where do I need obedience in my life?

I think that some of my trials lately are about learning a little more discipline and obedience. I need to be quiet. I love to be heard and have my opinions heard. I think that God would like me to shut up for a little while and talk to him more than anyone else. I'm going to work on that for a while. Pray for me.